Here is a case of honor violence


You are not following norms and codes of conduct of your family/ culture/ religion / community
Your freedom is not complying with your family/ culture/ religion / community standards
You don’t agree with the “dress code” your family/ culture/ religion / community is requiring
You dress differently in a place that asks for uniformity
You fight very often with your family/kin because your behavior doesn’t conform to religions, cultures, and social norms
You are often in punishment because of your nonconformity
Conflicts in families can arise from, for example, different opinions between parents and children about clothing, hobbies, future studies and careers, dating, who they are spending time with (topics that cause conflict in most families). A situation can be identified as an honour related conflict when the conflict is linked to ideas of honour and reputation


You feel the lack of dialogue in your family
The protection and boundaries of your parents towards you are overwhelming Your parents fear for your future and well-being and try to restrict you
You feel in a cage
You are forced to change your behaviour


The person affected by honour violence can have deeply internalized the idea of being guilty or shameful, making recognition more difficult.
If you or someone you know has experienced honour violence and needs help finding crisis resources, visit the contact session of this app. A way out exists!