What does “Honour related violence” mean?

It means a person being directly or indirectly affected by a “honour related conflict” or violence by referring to his/her collectivist culture, listed but not limited to:
The opinion of youth’s family matters more than that of the individual
Not following family customs and traditions
Lack of respect for principles or shared values His/her family plays a powerful role in youths’ life Being affected by gossip or fearing it
Dressing with inappropriate clothes
Talking to a boy unknown to the family
Being forced to get married despite sexual identity Being under blackmail
Seeking divorce but you can’t
Having a sexual relationship outside marriage Losing virginity before marriage
Feeling to be the object of an economic contract or agreement between families Getting involved in financial fraud
Being part of a criminal gang
…and many more cases.

Who can be the perpetrators of honour violence?

The perpetrators of honour violence can be:
Spouses together with his/her kin or collective (i.e. friends, someone “helping out”)
Parents/Family (i.e. father, brothers, uncles, male cousins, grandfather…), but also women (i.e. mothers, sisters, aunty, female cousins, grandmother…) can be active agents in enabling honour violence
Unknown members belonging to his/her community of origin

Before you go on, be aware...

If you should be or know someone who is in some of these situations/conditions, be aware that a way out exists. Some problems are better to be solved in groups. Inform an adult you trust in your family, or outside your family, when you feel threatened in some way. Otherwise, contactor suggest contacting the associations promoting this app and/or their stakeholders.
You will find their numbers and addresses in the location map at the “Contacts” window, otherwise call the national anti-violence number at “NATIONAL ANTI-VIOLENCE CENTER” in the very same window.